January 24, 2025

Posting Guidelines

  • Be Transparent and Honest. Do not falsely impersonate others. Use your name or a neutral nickname. 
  • Stay on topic. Please post only messages that are relevant to the subject.
  • Respect intellectual property. If you cite content created by others, acknowledge it. If you use any third party copyrighted materials, please remember to obtain consent from that third party.
  • Respect others.
  • Do not post information that is confidential, proprietary or covered under NDA.
  • You are aware that your postings are public and accessible for everyone using the world wide web. However your e-mail-address will not be published.
  • Advertising or solicitation is not permitted. This behavior is grounds for removal from site.
  • Do not post inappropriate content. No posts should contain statements that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, gambling-related, drug-related, alcohol-related, profane, racist, discriminatory, sexually explicit or indecent.
  • Use English language for your postings.
  • Comply with the Terms of Use
  • Computer-Masters.net reserves the right to delete postings without any prior notice and without providing a reason.
  • Computer-Masters.net reserves the right to edit and modify a posting if technically necessary (e.g. formatting issues or linkage errors).
  • If you want us to delete one of your postings or all your postings, please send a request to webmaster@computer-masters.de. We will fullfill your request as quick as possible. Please be aware that your posting may still be cached on third party sites (e.g. the Google Cache).


The posting guidelines are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

This web site may include contributions from various sources over which Computer-Masters.net has no control (including any content submitted by third party users and links to third party sites) and, therefore, Computer-Masters.net is not responsible for such contributions and such contributions do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of Computer-Masters.net.

Computer-Masters.net reserves the right to remove any posts that it deems inaccurate, inappropriate, offensive, or prohibited under these guidelines; however, it has no obligation to do so. Computer-Masters.net also reserves the right to eject or permanently ban a user who behaves in any manner it deems inappropriate, offensive, or prohibited under these guidelines.