ASCII – The American Standard Code for Information Interchange is one of the most important encodings for characters.
Its characteristics are that it is quite old and quite small compared to newer encodings like UNICODE, but it still is alive as a basic standard for uncountable applications.
Published in 1963, every programmer and computer or it specialist should now about this – in terms of computing history – prehistoric standard.
This article may also be of your interest: Special Characters in Unicode ASCII HTML and Latex
The 7bit encoded ASCII Table is sectioned in the following parts. The sections have been marked with colors in this table.
Control Characters (0 – 31 and 127) |
Special Charachters (33 – 47 and 58 – 64 and 91 – 96 and 123-126) |
Numbers (48 – 58) |
lower case letters (97-122) |
Capital Letters (65 – 90) |
Bin | Hex | Dez | ASCII Character | Art | Explanation |
0 | 0x0 | 0 | NUL | Control Character | NULL-Symbol. Primarily used to mark sections in data streams. Usually has no effect. |
1 | 0x1 | 1 | SOH | Control Character | Start Of Heading – First symbol of a messages’ headline |
10 | 0x2 | 2 | STX | Control Character | Start Of Text – First symbol of a messages’ text (and the last of a headline). |
11 | 0x3 | 3 | ETX | Control Character | End Of Text |
100 | 0x4 | 4 | EOT | Control Character | End Of Transmission |
101 | 0x5 | 5 | ENQ | Control Character | Enquiry – Marks, that a response is requested. |
110 | 0x6 | 6 | ACK | Control Character | Acknowledgment – Hint, that receiver received message. |
111 | 0x7 | 7 | BEL | Control Character | Ring / Bell (from the good old teletypewriter days) |
1000 | 0x8 | 8 | BS | Control Character | Backspace |
1001 | 0x9 | 9 | TAB (HT) | Control Character | Tabulator (horizontal) |
1010 | 0xa | 10 | LF | Control Character | Line Feed – keep horizontal spacing in next line |
1011 | 0xb | 11 | VT | Control Character | vertical tabulator |
1100 | 0xc | 12 | FF | Control Character | Form Feed – Sets cursor to tabulator of a previous line. |
1101 | 0xd | 13 | CR | Control Character | Carriage Return – Removes all tabulators and sets cursor to the first position in the line. |
1110 | 0xe | 14 | SO | Control Character | |
1111 | 0xf | 15 | SI | Control Character | |
10000 | 0x10 | 16 | DLE | Control Character | |
10001 | 0x11 | 17 | DC1 | Control Character | |
10010 | 0x12 | 18 | DC2 | Control Character | |
10011 | 0x13 | 19 | DC3 | Control Character | |
10100 | 0x14 | 20 | DC4 | Control Character | |
10101 | 0x15 | 21 | NAK | Control Character | Negative Acknowlegdement – Receiver gives a negative response. |
10110 | 0x16 | 22 | SYN | Control Character | |
10111 | 0x17 | 23 | ETB | Control Character | End Of Transmission Block |
11000 | 0x18 | 24 | CAN | Control Character | Cancel |
11001 | 0x19 | 25 | EM | Control Character | End Of Medium |
11010 | 0x1a | 26 | SUB | Control Character | Substitute |
11011 | 0x1b | 27 | ESC | Control Character | Escape |
11100 | 0x1c | 28 | FS | Control Character | File Seperator |
11101 | 0x1d | 29 | GS | Control Character | Group Separator |
11110 | 0x1e | 30 | RS | Control Character | Record Seperator |
11111 | 0x1f | 31 | US | Control Character | Unit Seperator |
100000 | 0x20 | 32 | SP | Special Character | Space symbol |
100001 | 0x21 | 33 | ! | Special Character | Exclamation mark |
100010 | 0x22 | 34 | „ | Special Character | lower quotation marks |
100011 | 0x23 | 35 | # | Special Character | Hashtag, “Fence” |
100100 | 0x24 | 36 | $ | Special Character | Dollar Symbol |
100101 | 0x25 | 37 | % | Special Character | Percent Symbol |
100110 | 0x26 | 38 | & | Special Character | ampersand, and |
100111 | 0x27 | 39 | ‚ | Special Character | comma |
101000 | 0x28 | 40 | ( | Special Character | round bracket left |
101001 | 0x29 | 41 | ) | Special Character | round bracket right |
101010 | 0x2a | 42 | * | Special Character | legendary character number 42 (“ * “ represents for example arbitrary characters). |
101011 | 0x2b | 43 | + | Special Character | Plus Symbol |
101100 | 0x2c | 44 | , | Special Character | |
101101 | 0x2d | 45 | – | Special Character | Minus Symbol |
101110 | 0x2e | 46 | . | Special Character | Point, Full Stop |
101111 | 0x2f | 47 | / | Special Character | Slash |
110000 | 0x30 | 48 | 0 | Number | |
110001 | 0x31 | 49 | 1 | Number | |
110010 | 0x32 | 50 | 2 | Number | |
110011 | 0x33 | 51 | 3 | Number | |
110100 | 0x34 | 52 | 4 | Number | |
110101 | 0x35 | 53 | 5 | Number | |
110110 | 0x36 | 54 | 6 | Number | |
110111 | 0x37 | 55 | 7 | Number | |
111000 | 0x38 | 56 | 8 | Number | |
111001 | 0x39 | 57 | 9 | Number | |
111010 | 0x3a | 58 | : | Special Character | colon, double dot |
111011 | 0x3b | 59 | ; | Special Character | Semikolon |
111100 | 0x3c | 60 | < | Special Character | smaller than |
111101 | 0x3d | 61 | = | Special Character | equals |
111110 | 0x3e | 62 | > | Special Character | greater than |
111111 | 0x3f | 63 | ? | Special Character | Question Mark |
1000000 | 0x40 | 64 | @ | Special Character | commercial at |
1000001 | 0x41 | 65 | A | Capital Letter | |
1000010 | 0x42 | 66 | B | Capital Letter | |
1000011 | 0x43 | 67 | C | Capital Letter | |
1000100 | 0x44 | 68 | D | Capital Letter | |
1000101 | 0x45 | 69 | E | Capital Letter | |
1000110 | 0x46 | 70 | F | Capital Letter | |
1000111 | 0x47 | 71 | G | Capital Letter | |
1001000 | 0x48 | 72 | H | Capital Letter | |
1001001 | 0x49 | 73 | I | Capital Letter | |
1001010 | 0x4a | 74 | J | Capital Letter | |
1001011 | 0x4b | 75 | K | Capital Letter | |
1001100 | 0x4c | 76 | L | Capital Letter | |
1001101 | 0x4d | 77 | M | Capital Letter | |
1001110 | 0x4e | 78 | N | Capital Letter | |
1001111 | 0x4f | 79 | O | Capital Letter | |
1010000 | 0x50 | 80 | P | Capital Letter | |
1010001 | 0x51 | 81 | Q | Capital Letter | |
1010010 | 0x52 | 82 | R | Capital Letter | |
1010011 | 0x53 | 83 | S | Capital Letter | |
1010100 | 0x54 | 84 | T | Capital Letter | |
1010101 | 0x55 | 85 | U | Capital Letter | |
1010110 | 0x56 | 86 | V | Capital Letter | |
1010111 | 0x57 | 87 | W | Capital Letter | |
1011000 | 0x58 | 88 | X | Capital Letter | |
1011001 | 0x59 | 89 | Y | Capital Letter | |
1011010 | 0x5a | 90 | Z | Capital Letter | |
1011011 | 0x5b | 91 | [ | Special Character | square bracket left |
1011100 | 0x5c | 92 | \ | Special Character | Backslash |
1011101 | 0x5d | 93 | ] | Special Character | square bracket right |
1011110 | 0x5e | 94 | ^ | Special Character | circumflex |
1011111 | 0x5f | 95 | _ | Special Character | underscore |
1100000 | 0x60 | 96 | ` | Special Character | |
1100001 | 0x61 | 97 | a | lower case letter | |
1100010 | 0x62 | 98 | b | lower case letter | |
1100011 | 0x63 | 99 | c | lower case letter | |
1100100 | 0x64 | 100 | d | lower case letter | |
1100101 | 0x65 | 101 | e | lower case letter | |
1100110 | 0x66 | 102 | f | lower case letter | |
1100111 | 0x67 | 103 | g | lower case letter | |
1101000 | 0x68 | 104 | h | lower case letter | |
1101001 | 0x69 | 105 | i | lower case letter | |
1101010 | 0x6a | 106 | j | lower case letter | |
1101011 | 0x6b | 107 | k | lower case letter | |
1101100 | 0x6c | 108 | l | lower case letter | |
1101101 | 0x6d | 109 | m | lower case letter | |
1101110 | 0x6e | 110 | n | lower case letter | |
1101111 | 0x6f | 111 | o | lower case letter | |
1110000 | 0x70 | 112 | p | lower case letter | |
1110001 | 0x71 | 113 | q | lower case letter | |
1110010 | 0x72 | 114 | r | lower case letter | |
1110011 | 0x73 | 115 | s | lower case letter | |
1110100 | 0x74 | 116 | t | lower case letter | |
1110101 | 0x75 | 117 | u | lower case letter | |
1110110 | 0x76 | 118 | v | lower case letter | |
1110111 | 0x77 | 119 | w | lower case letter | |
1111000 | 0x78 | 120 | x | lower case letter | |
1111001 | 0x79 | 121 | y | lower case letter | |
1111010 | 0x7a | 122 | z | lower case letter | |
1111011 | 0x7b | 123 | { | Special Character | braceleft, left brace |
1111100 | 0x7c | 124 | | | Special Character | |
1111101 | 0x7d | 125 | } | Special Character | braceright, closing curly bracket |
1111110 | 0x7e | 126 | ~ | Special Character | tilde, swung dash |
1111111 | 0x7f | 127 | DEL | Control Character | Delete |
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